Year ago I had gone to see Video Games Live with a few of my friends. It was an enjoyable evening for many reasons, most important of course is that I shared it with friends. Of course, when it was announced that Final Fantasy: Distant Worlds was going to be in the beautiful city of Rochester, NY my friends and I began planning to attend.
The concert itself was fantastic. Guest conductor Arnie Roth made sure to highlight important segments and emphasize the talent of Susan Calloway and the rest of the performers. I was slightly disappointed at a percussionist that was off-beat for a few songs, however the other performers were exceptional. I was excited, of course, for the Chocobo song compilation as well as the inclusion of the battle with Seymour music.
I was worried that the visuals might be distracting, but they helped me remember where some of the segments of music were from. At times the editing for the video was a bit sloppy. One example was when they showed clips of artwork with a black background creating a weird cropping effect to the aspect ratio of the screen. The video was not the primary reason for going though so I was much less upset by that then the poor performance by the percussionist.
I also had fantastic company both during the performance and afterward. While enjoying the show I spoke to a man who had traveled all the way from Oklahoma to come watch! He expressed his excitement that he didn’t have to go to Chicago just to see the show and complemented the theaters construction and decor. Hopefully Rochester left a good impression on him!
After the show of course I had a chance to catch up with friends over food and drinks. Too much time had passed since I had seen some of them! Ultimately, our time was brief as things go when it’s a weekday evening. It was a fantastic show that I would love to see again if I have the chance.
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