Rochester Celebrating Marty McFly Day

So yesterday was the day that Marty McFly went Back to the Future. You couldn’t miss the endless Facebook posts and Tweets. If you’re on Instagram, then you even saw the costumes and excitement there.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love Rochester, NY. I love all of Western NY, but I do have a particular fondness for Rochester. It’s not flashy, it hardly ever makes lists like Best City to Live, Best City for Tech, or Best City to Raise a Family. I personally think that’s just because it’s one of the United States Best Kept Secrets. It’s got a slightly off-beat, west-coast, hipster vibe without drawing swarms of homeless people or greedy executives. It’s for that exact reason that I was able to truly celebrate October 21st 2015!

There is a fantastic bar called Lux in Rochester. It reminds me of something you might find in Austin and it’s extremely popular with the kind of people who are nerdy yet social. The perfect atmosphere. They were running all kinds of drink specials and the place was packed even as early as 9pm!

I got myself a couple great drinks like The Doc Brown and The McFly and enjoyed listening to 80’s music while chatting with all kinds of costumed patrons. They even went so far as to hand out cutout faces of Doc Brown and Marty. The best event though, was likely the hover boarding contest. Yes, they had a pimped out little platform where the more-than-tipsy fans were “showing their moves.”

All-in-all, it’s just another event that demonstrates what a great community this small city has!






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