You know what’s great about the internet? You can make a name for yourself pretty much anywhere in the world! Christina Calph grew up not far from where I did and it’s great to see yet another fellow Western NY’er achieving success. If you follow Stan Lee’s blog you may have already seen this, but I think it’s worth sharing.
What I like about Burp Girl:
- Burp girl seems to be the start of a great (dare I say feminist friendly) main character. She is not your typical over-sexualized female comic character
- Christina Calph is a good actor. You can tell she cares about this project and is working hard to see it succeed.
- Some great writing was done for this. It’s not a particularly long script, but it’s humorous.
- The costumes and sets stay true to a comic book aesthetic which is pretty cool.
What I hope to see improved:
- Some of the supporting cast seem to be less dedicated to their roles. Hopefully they can boost their confidence and energy in future episodes.
- The editing could be better utilized to “speed up” the storytelling. Just a few quicker cuts would help.
All-in-all it will be interesting to see how this project unfolds!
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