The First Day of Fall

I love fall. You might think my favorite season is summer with all of the outdoor activities I enjoy, but you’d be wrong. Fall is a wonderful time of year. Most birds have flown south, worker bees are going to be homeless soon, and everything in general is dying. Happy right?

It’s the end of a lot of happy things, and that’s okay. It’s knowing that things will come to an end that makes us appreciative of them in the first place. After all do you think people who live in southern California rave about seeing the sun out when they wake up?

Fall weather is the most perfect weather. It’s just getting chilly so you want someone to be with you, but it’s not so cold that you fear for your life if you get stuck outside. You can watch as the wind blows the leaves to the ground or listen to fall showers and feel the cool air in the evening.

This month we are also lucky to have a lunar eclipse! In fact, it’s the kind of lunar eclipse that will give us a blood red moon. What could be more “fall” than that? Now, I swear I have seen a red moon on nights other than a lunar eclipse, but science tells me this is going to happen for sure on September 27th so watch out.






  1. Guest

    Fall is death. Everything seems to die; leaves, old pets, old people. I can’t say I love it, but it is the first step to killing off fucking mosquitoes and homeless people.

    1. LVL99

      Man lighten up. You sound like you need suicide prevention.

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