Category: People & Society

  • Why GMO’s are Good, Safe, and Delicious

    Over the years there has been a lot of debate about what is healthy and what we should be eating. Now more than ever, we have access to this information making us responsive consumers. However, it’s possible that with an increased access to information, we focus on teaching people how to navigate content more than we…

  • Man vs Rock

    This has been on of my favorite reads of the comics I picked up at Comic Con. I have so many good things to say about Man vs Rock that I’m going to have to actually organize my writing for once! The premiss of the book is simple. Rocks have been abused, disgraced, and neglected for…

  • Legend of the Mantamaji

    Legend of Mantamaji has already been noticed by reviewers bigger than myself as it was named a must read this summer by BET. I was happy to pick it up and give it a read as the creators told me all about it and signed a copy for me. Eric Dean Seaton is no rookie…

  • Comic Con San Diego 2015

    This year I went to my first even Comic Con. It was a whole lot of fun and to my surprise I wasn’t as interested in hunting down stars or finding the big name booths. One of the most fan parts was actually checking out the smaller comic publishers and seeing just what people are…

  • Connecting With People

    I have always found it fairly easy to connect with people, and I over-think a lot of things so let me share with you a theory of mine about people. It’s nothing particularly ground-breaking, and it certainly hasn’t been put to the test. I would like to create some experiments and validate it when I have…

  • One Less Veal Cow

    This summer I have been doing a fair bit of camping. More camping than I have probably done in the rest of my life combined actually. That being the case, I decided to stop by Runnings to grab a few things this evening. As I was headed into the store I noticed a baby calf…

  • Music, Money, & Mental Health

    Growing up I listened to a lot of oldies music and one of my favorite bands was The Beach Boys. I’ve watched a lot of movies that detailed the band’s rise to fame. I was familiar with their abusive father, the infamous “hermit crab” swimming pool incident and the fact that Brian Wilson was being…

  • Reflecting on Life While Reading about Brains

    One of the books I’ve been reading has been an exciting look at how the mind thinks. It’s called, Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman. I suppose it’s not everyone’s “cup of tea,” but it’s validated a few things I have been told over the years. Has anyone ever told you that you need…

  • Memorial Day: We Will Not Forget

    I had to chuckle a bit to myself the other night when I went to pick-up pizza from a local pizza joint. There was a flyer there advertising that Memorial Day weekend they would be serving foot-long hotdogs. The ad read simply, “May 25th 2015, Footlong Hotdogs, Memorial Day” with the sub-text, “We will not…

  • The Circle of Life Within Any Group

    It’s interesting the things I remember from college. One of my less-than-favorite classes brought up a concept that has been fairly important to me even years later. The theory was that every group goes through four stages. Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. They should be pretty obvious by the name, but what I have found…

  • Building Relationships with Online Dating

    Online dating is becoming increasingly more popular. Answer some questions, like some photos, and sooner or later you’re bound to find true love, right? I’m skeptical though I know plenty of people who have found their significant other with the help of dating sites. There are a few things that everyone knows about dating sites.…

  • Do we medicate brilliant minds to mediocrity?

    The mind is one of the greatest puzzles we have been given to solve. People have been trying to figure it for hundreds of years. Early scientists tried their best to diagnose and treat mental illness but often it was misunderstood as a physical ailment instead of, well, a mental one. That’s why we had strange…